Monday, June 29, 2009

Starry, Starry Night


Wang is obsessed with space.

I created a new brush to help me make those stars.
Brush Tip Shape: Spacing 1000%, Hardness 39%
Space Dynamics: Size Jitter 100% Pen Pressure, Minimum Diameter 40%
Scattering: Scatter 1000% Control Off, Count 1, Count Jitter 7% Pen Pressure
Dual Brush (I picked one of the textured brushes and made the diameter bigger than the origianl) Spacing 1%, Scatter 223%, Count 6

With this Brush I just scribbled randomly where I wanted the stars, and they sort of fell in place randomly. I also then decreased the size of the brush and did it again, to add more depth.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Angry Girl

These Sketches are older, but I thought people would like to see them.

They're in relation to some of the sexism I've seen at cons. It really sucks that a lot of girls have learned to put themselves on display not because they want to explore their sexuality (which is an awesome reason to be sexy) but because its the only way to peddle goods to the male masses.

I was at a con where my table partner (a stranger) kept getting lots and lots of attention from more well established (male) comic artists. Her artwork was decent, but not to be getting that sort of attention. It was obvious to her that the guys were just trying to get her up to their room for a drink or something more. She was very gracious about it and mostly tried to talk about the artwork, but they'd brush her off in some aspects with that. So there you go.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Line Art


For those interested in seeing the lineart of my latest post on y!gal.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Missed Posts June 19 - 23 (5 Images)

I actually have still been drawing, but just hadn't taken photos of the sketches that I did in my sketch book. But! Here they are now, all the ones I missed from the last few days.

June 19-23

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 3 - Two Sketches

Comic Commission. Characters do not belong to me.

This is Noel.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 1

This is Hugh.


I hope to post a sketch every day from now on, no matter how simple or complex.

Once I collect enough of them, I will compile them into an artbook.

Thank you for stopping by.